Saturday, May 4, 2013

Correction Thank You

I posted an article on Cafe Custom Racer - KAWASAKI KZ750E last month.
I had mistakenly written the customizers name as Cyric, where as it should have been Cyril.
I was pleasently surprised when I recieved an email from the owner of the bike, Mr. Frederick Desannaux (Fred) who is also the brother of Cyril mentioning about the mistake.
I have done the correction, but I was thinking how small this world has become, thanks to this magnificent thing called INTERNET.

We exchanged a few mails and my blog was mentioned in his FACS MOTO website. He also posted the photo of my RD350 which I had sent to him.


Facs Moto
Votre Spécialiste du Cafe Racer
76720 Cropus

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